Essential documentation in projects
In the previous article we discussed the various SDLC life cycle models. For every stage in the model we have documents created according to phases such as
Requirement stage:
- Use case document
Design stage:
- Technical document
Build stage:
- Source code
Test stage:
- Test result document
Deliver stage:
- Sign off document
There are different documentation for every project and these documents change from company to company and project to project.
For example,
Some company will have 3 documents and some will have 12 documents in a project depending upon project manager or the policy of the company to execute a project
Requirement document
Estimation document
Use case document
Technical document
Test plan document
Source code
Requirement document:
A requirement document can be a single english document, probably a recorded audio or video conversation or can be a complicated use case.
Estimation document:
After getting requirement from the user we can judge cost for the project.
Use case document:
This is a section of UML which basically desribes in detail the requirement document which serves as an input to the Design stage
Technical document:
This document contains detail of how the project being executed such as pseudo code, class diagram, objects diagram, etc.
Test result document:
This document is written by the testers which describe the test plan which needs to be executed and thus giving project a green flag to production.
Source code:
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